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Audit Your Website

300% Increase

in lawsuits and demand letters from 2019 to 2020.


estimated demand letters sent only in 2021.


of demand letters are settled for $20,000 – $150,000 on average.

Technology Is The Key.

Digital compliance and creative solutions have become wildly expensive to implement. We do not believe the budget should stand in the way of your success as a business online. At Jib, we lean on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computer Vision at the core of our business model.

Our mission is simple, give businesses and users the resources they need to access and experience one another without compromise.

Audit Your Website

AI-Powered Web Accessibility

A Seamless
Accessibility Process.

Audit Your Website

Paste a single line of Javascript code (no prior technical knowledge required).

The accessibility interface instantly appears on your website.

Artificial intelligence starts scanning and analyzing your website.

After up to 48 hours your website is compliant and certified.

Every 24 Hours, the artificial intelligence scans for new and revised content to fix.

Audit Your Website


Content Adjustments.

This section enables users to adjust how your site’s content is displayed, making it as readable as possible to someone with a particular disability. Users with vision impairments, like blurred vision or aging sight, utilize these adjustments to customize your website’s content to their specific needs.


Display Adjustments.

This section adjusts colors and contrast. People with various degrees of color blindness or visual impairments may not see your content well enough, while light-sensitive users may not be able to surf websites with white backgrounds.

Section adjustments: High Contrast, High Saturation, Low Saturation, Dark Contrast, Light Contrast, Monochrome, Text Colorization, Title Colorization, and Background Colorization.

Audit Your Website
Audit Your Website


Orientation Adjustments.

This interface section offers adjustments designed to enable people with vision impairments, cognitive disabilities, or motor impairments to better orient on your website. This is achieved by providing them with shortcuts and guiding elements and by reducing distractions and noise.

Section adjustments: Hide Images, Mute Sounds, Useful Links, ReadMode, Reading Guide, Reading Mask, Highlight Focus, Highlight Hover, Big White Cursor, and Big Black Cursor.

Become Compliant In Under 48 Hours

Audit Your Website